Thursday 27 June 2019

Moody Notes : The Cracked Bell

It had been pretty violent. 

Light depression had nicely sprung up during the previous months : huge familial constraints, couples’ usual frustrations, calls for a idealized independent life, political disillusionments linked to that Weimar’s-period-like French atmosphere and that little Cracked Bell side… Ok, let’s say it ! Midlife crisis… Ten years ago, I found the lyrics of the Frustration’s song (x) a bit of a cliché, I laughed a lot with Joe Ollmann’s Mid-Life comics, but I was finally in scope. 

The long summer heat finally blew me out. One of those typical Camus/Meursault heats that made you lost control. After five nights of full insomnia, all the dikes of rationality collapsed, gave way to an impressive torrent of emotions and feelings that drove me nuts and ended up in a beautiful, emotionally violent, familial burn-out…Boys don’t cry, my ass...

My dear girlfriend took quickly action and saved me from drowning… A cure of running, psychosomatics’ methods, sophrology’s « letting go » and talks with close friends helped me finally for recovery. I even suspected my Cuban Santeria’s High Priestess neighbour to have sacrificed a poor chicken on the altar of my temporary mental disorder… Special thanx to all of those people for the help and sincere apologizes to the ones I disturbed.

All that to say that this one-week working course in South Africa was fully appropriate and timely. A good opportunity to leave all that mud aside. So, let’s stop with those emotional little talks and inappropriate egocentricity and let’s move on to some more positive ideas. I’ll bring you very soon to one of the most beautiful place in the world : Cape Town.

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